Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Three Domains of Life

The three domains of life are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Archaea looks like bacteria, but have different genes for managing and reading out their DNA. It’s the harshest environments on the Earth and oldest known organism. They are found in swamps, hot springs, and the Dead Sea. Reproduce binary fission. The kingdom is Archaebacteria which is a single-celled prokaryote. This kingdom has some movement and gets energy by breaking down chemicals in their environment. Bacteria is a prokaryotic organism in a rigid cell wall and no nucleus. The most common shapes are bacillus (rod-like), coccus (round), and spirillum (corkscrew). Some have flagella used for locomotion. Some bacteria cause human and animal disease. They live in a weather harsh condition and form hibernating structures called endospores. Most reproduce by binary fission, but some can reproduce by conjugation. Live in water, nitrogen gas from the air. Soil bacteria decompose organic matter and add soil. The kingdom is Eubacteria: some movement, autotrophic and heterotrophic. Eukarya is the last domain. It’s the most familiar domain. Cells with nucleus are in this category. Kingdom Protista is a eukaryotic, unicellular organism. Found in moist or aquatic areas, they reproduce by binary fission, but sometimes conjugation. They are classified by their locomotive structures. Kingdom Fungi have a body composed of an interwoven mass of threads (mycelium). When enough energy is stored, fungi may produce fruiting bodies with spores. They reproduce sexually. Classified by there shape and color of their fruiting bodies and spore containers. Live in symbiotic relationships. Kingdom Plantae are eukaryotic, multicellar organism that have cell walls. Plants get their food through photosynthesis. They have an alternation of generation life cycle consisting of diploid sporophyte generation and a haploid gametophyte generation. Angiosperm is a flowering plant. They are successful because their reproductive structure are located within flowers from protection, fertilization takes place within the plant’s ovary and their seed develop within fruits that attract animals and entice them to disperse seed, and their broad leave increases the amount of sunlight for photosynthesis. Grouped into monocots and dicots. Kingdom Animalia are complex eukaryotic organisms. They are multicellular and lack a cell wall. Animals are heterotrophic, sexual reproduction, move, and rapid response to the environment. Animals are subdivided into invertebrates and vertebrates.

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